Unfortunately, we missed the deadline for OSIAM 3.0. We’ve got stuck on some key changes, but we finally finished our new build and release process today. To make up for the delay, we have tested the release process with an official pre-release of OSIAM: 3.0.CR1. This is for all of you, who patiently waited for so long now. You can download it from our new Bintray repository:
osiam-3.0.CR1.war (GPG Signature)
You can view the changelog on the GitHub Releases page. We also provide the latest build from the master branch from now on:
osiam-latest.war (GPG Signature)
“So, when will OSIAM 3.0 be released?”, you might ask. We still have some work to do: making the connector and add-ons ready for 2.x and 3.0 (yes, they will be compatible with both lines), removing the last residues of the server merge, getting rid of the incompatible update methods and finally cutting of the last rough edges and polishing everything for release. This may take up to the end of June, but hopefully no longer.
So, stay tuned and watch the progress on GitHub.